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Nov 17, 2023What store in Twin Falls has the best cart?
How does it happen every time we go shopping? No matter how many shopping carts my husband pulls from the row, there is never a good one. He will pull 5 or 6 before settling on one. Other people walking up to get a cart think he's just being a polite and helpful shopper as he hands carts to them, but no. He's handing you the crappy cart so he can get a good one for himself. Magnanimous is not in his vocabulary.
It makes me wonder, where are the best shopping carts? I shop at many stores and thought there was an obvious answer. Again, Magic Valley, you have surprised me.
My husband would say Costco has the best carts. He thinks it has something to do with the fact that you have to be a member to shop there, so people shopping are nicer. They’re good, but a little big for me. I can't reach the bottom of the cart.
Most of my co-workers mentioned Target. I suppose the noticeable red carts make an impression, but do they stand out in functionality? Don't we need something a bit stronger than plastic shopping carts? What if I am purchasing something more substantial?
When we asked you on Facebook, there were unexpected results.
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Many people answered Fred Meyer as a good shopping cart. I agree with this statement. Rarely have I been plagued with the wheel that keeps turning and never seems to hit the floor, the constant squeak, or the thud-thud of a broken tire. Fred Meyer also has the 2-tiered carts that are great for a smaller shopping day if you don't have little kids with you that need to ride.
I was surprised that the vast majority said Winco has the best shopping carts. Evidently, Winco has a full set of new carts that make the shopping experience less of a chore and more of a privilege. I do love shopping at Winco but will need a stepstool to get to the bottom of the cart. I’m like a tyrannosaurus, big head with little arms.
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