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Sep 23, 2023Four nostalgic lunch box staples from the 90s you'll never see again and kids will never know 'the best snack'
SHOPPERS have learned that four iconic lunch box staples that once defined their childhoods have disappeared from store shelves.
Nearly everyone can remember their favorite lunchtime snack.
Certain products grew in popularity so much as lunch box items that they became reminiscent of childhood days altogether.
And since some items have been completely discontinued from stores in recent years, many shoppers are missing the nostalgic products.
It's unclear what drove many of the beloved snacks’ discontinuations at stores, but most grocers attribute missing products to low sales.
While occasionally supply chain challenges or customer complaints can get an item booted, consumer shopping habits typically end up being the true culprit as shoppers buy a product less and it sees itself fall off the market entirely.
Here's a full list of the most iconic discontinued snack items that were once prevalent in lunch boxes across the country.
At one time, Magic Middles were the cookie to have in your lunch box.
The Keebler product differentiated itself from other cookies on the market because it had a unique filling of peanut butter or fudge packed into every chocolate chip bite.
The cookies first appeared in 2001 and saw great success until 10 years later, when they mysteriously vanished from store aisles.
Despite the fact that it's been more than a decade since their departure, shoppers still fondly remember the creamy fudge filling that would melt in their mouths.
It's unclear exactly why Magic Middles were discontinued, but some are holding out hope they may make a comeback.
"These were my FAVORITE," one Redditor said. "I remember when we went to the store and they stopped showing up. Uncool, Keebler elves."
Peanut butter is a hearty and delicious food to pack into your everyday lunch.
For many children growing up, Peanut Butter Boppers were preferable to a traditional peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
The General Mills product first launched in the 1980s and quickly gained popularity at lunch tables nationwide.
With a chunk of peanut butter dipped in chocolate and other toppings before rolled in chocolate chips and various crispy and crunching coatings, the decadent snack stole hearts and wallets.
There were several product flavors available as well, including honey crispy, fudge chip, and cookie crunch.
So no matter what sweet pairing you were craving, General Mills probably had the option for you.
Most impressively, the Peanut Butter Boppers were said to have claimed 9 percent of the snack market just 90 days after its launch.
However, the hype was short-lived, and Peanut Butter Boppers left customers high and dry shortly afterward.
General Mills’ Nature Valley bars serve as one alternative, but many don't think they make the cut when compared to the decadence of the beloved Peanut Butter Boppers.
"I can remember my mom buying a box and I would eat almost the whole box the day she would get them," one nostalgic Redditor shared.
Forget Gushers or Welch's Fruit Snacks – in the 1980s, Fruit Wrinkles were what the kids loved.
The Betty Crockers Fruit Corners snack officially launched in 1985 as the sister product of Fruit Roll-Ups.
The fruit-infused snack was special because while it gave the look of a jelly bean candy and was packed in vitamin C of real fruit.
At the time, Fruit Wrinkles were available in strawberry, orange, lemon, and cherry flavors.
Not everyone was a huge fan of Fruit Wrinkles, however, with some believing them to be a minor upgrade from raisins, which many children hated seeing in their lunch boxes.
Still, others hailed the fruity treat as miles above any other item you could find in a lunch box today.
"Fruit Wrinkles were the best snack to have in your lunch box," one Redditor commented.
"They were like no other fruit snack. The best by far!" another user added.
Taco Bell Lunchables were a lunch feast for any child growing up in the 1990s.
Shoppers first saw Lunchables on store aisles in 1988, but by the late 1990s, several versions of the now nostalgic and simple lunch offering were available.
Originally, the meals consisted of just turkey and cheddar, ham & swiss, pizza style, or bologna options.
But the Taco Bell Lunchables truly changed the game, offering make-your-own nachos and tacos.
While the current Lunchables brand offers an Uploaded Nacho Walking Taco meal, many are missing the original Taco Bell variant.
The original option did not have to be microwaved for 15 seconds, which made it much easier to just slip into your child's lunch box.
Shoppers are still nostalgic for the days in which they packed the Taco Bell-style lunch.
"I remember these and loved them," a Redditor wrote. "I was a big Lunchable freak at that age. Even ate the mini burgers and hot dogs that came with a can of ‘cola’ lol."
Another said: "I would get the Nachos and soda ones on school field trip days. It was a thrill for elementary school me."
In other discontinued news, fans have been shocked to find out Coca-Cola discontinued one of its popular caffeinated drinks.
Shoppers are also begging Pop Tart to bring back one of its most beloved flavors.